The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: BOOK REVIEW
This time when reading this book I've learnt that we all have a purpose, just realizing it is the tricky and difficult part. The book has great reviews, has been on the market for the longest and to only just find out about it this year really helped me. I only heard of it when watching a YouTuber from South Africa OnaOliphant she raved about the book and what people have said about it, I just had to get my hands on a copy ASAP. That being said as soon as I got my hands on the copy I wasn't really game to go through it, it took me some time, however, when I got to the first chapter I couldn't stop reading actually finished it in three three (3) days. That being the best decision to come, yes I love reading books and getting to talk about them and definitely motivational books that just bring out what is hidden inside us all. I came to realize that somewhere somehow we tend to forget what we really enjoy and what makes one live to their true purpose. The book took me on ...